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The music we used was fast paced, therefore we decided to use fast cutting rates between different shots, this relates to Goodwin’s theory as he says that “seeing the sound and the relationship between the music and visuals which amplify or contradict the music such as cutting to the beat”. The fast cutting rates can also relate to herself as the cats between different scenes could be like her memories suggesting to the audience that she is confused.

During specific parts of the music video, jump cuts were used, this could be implying to the audience that she may be thinking too fats and jumping to conclusions without giving a second thought.

Many effects were used within our music video, where some are almost not noticeable due to being implemented with precision to the music. Many time lapse were used to blend in with the fast paced music, this links to the previous point that states how she may be thinking too fast.

Slow motions were also used to contradict with the time lapse, this is to show how she knows she is moving too fast and is trying to slow down, an example of slow motion is when she flips a coin suggesting to the audience how she does not know what to do anymore and now is relying on luck by flipping coins and letting them decide her fate.

An example of cuts and effects being implemented together to create a piece is the cars at night on a highway. They begin fast to match with the music but then slowed as the beat slows, then instantly sped back up according to beat. The lighting is also blurred, we chose this section to be like this as the blurred lights relate to her being confused with the time management relate to herself not knowing how fast things are going and whether she should slow down.

Editing & Effects
Editing & Effects: Inner_about
Editing & Effects: Portfolio


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